Catalyst Project

Proving the Business Model for Sponsored Network Slices: Mobile Gaming
Winner! Digital Transformation World 2018: Outstanding Catalyst Business Impact
Advertisers the world around are eager for new ways to touch customers with high-value, sponsored and/or branded mobile experiences. Likewise, Mobile Operators are, in advance of 5G, looking for innovative new business models to better monetize their networks around emerging use cases.
- Commenced last year with the world’s first demonstration of how Sponsored Data can be delivered to mall visitors at the point of sale via branded network slices (to replace cumbersome, costly and unreliable WiFi), in this evolved project we are taking those learnings and applying the same key, application-aware technologies to the enormous opportunity of delivering branded network slices for mobile gamers.
One of the most promising use cases for future sliced networks is mobile gaming, an industry that reaped some $60B in 2017. While mobile, in-app advertising is pegged at $201B, video game advertising has grown to take a large share of the pie. But how to harness this market’s potential for carriers with a clear-cut business case while maintaining net neutrality compliance?
In this Catalyst, we will demonstrate that application-aware (game-aware) branded network slicing can create a key consumer touchpoint that at once dramatically improves the gamer experience while adhering to, and even reinforcing the principles and practices of net neutrality as outlined by regulators in Europe and in Asia.
Download the presentation slides.
Articles & blogs
Catalyst makes it easier to offer sponsored data Press release: Cerillion Catalyst Project Wins Business Impact Award at Digital Transformation World 2018


Previous phases of this Catalyst
Phase I – Interconnecting Business with Sponsored Data
The objective of this catalyst was to deliver a fabric for providers connecting a broad set of enterprises from different verticals into a mobile sponsored data offering. The catalyst delivers a blueprint that can bring together enterprise, brands and CSP to offer complete sponsored data offerings to end users.
Champions: Orange, NTT
Participants: Sigma, Comptel, Cerillion, Cloudstreet
Videos and Images
Drew Jordan, Sigma Systems, previews Phase 2 of the project
Demo of the project at TM Forum Live! Asia in 2017
Drew Jordan, Sigma Systems, previews Phase 1 of the project